"Afwah Aur Hakeeqat" by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto is a profound exploration of the political landscape and societal issues in Pakistan during Bhutto's era. The book delves into the myths and...
"Being Pakistani: Society, Culture, and the Arts" by Raza Rumi provides an insightful exploration into the multifaceted dimensions of Pakistani society, culture, and artistic expressions. Rumi navigates through the intricate...
"In the Line of Fire" is a compelling memoir written by Pervez Musharraf, the former President of Pakistan and Chief of Army Staff, offering a firsthand account of his life...
"Pakistan: Courting the Abyss" by Tilak Devasher provides an in-depth analysis of the political, social, and economic challenges facing Pakistan. The book explores the nation's turbulent history, the complexities of...
"The Murder Of History: A Critique Of History Textbooks Used In Pakistan" by K.K. Aziz is a comprehensive examination of the inaccuracies, biases, and misrepresentations found in the history textbooks...